Door and bathroom fittings have to bear with water which can lead to corrosion and water marks. These
components are desired to be corrosion and scratch resistant together with hydrophobic surface nature
which doesn't allow any water marks to settle. Most of the Door and bathroom components are made
of brass because of its complex shapes. These components are further electroplated with nickel or
chromium to give a metallic look together with improved corrosion resistant. But the component
aesthetic deteriorates with time.
PVD coating technology is widely used for protecting the components from wear and corrosion. The
ceramic nature of the coating incorporate hydrophobic surface and owing to surface inertness, also
improves corrosion resistances. PVD coating have high hardness that enhance the scratch resistance.
PVD coatings provide perfect shield to components from scratch, corrosion and water marks resulting in
consistent surface aesthetics for long duration.
SMT provides wide range of colour in PVD coatings incorporated with corrosion and scratch resistant properties together with inert surface nature.
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